Drummer Stu's Padded Cell
Friday, June 18, 2004
Its been a while since my last post here, so my apologies, I've had stuff to do!
I'm also staring at a blank page with no strong feelings about anything this evening, so I'm winging it and hope that something funny / angry / at the very least not sleep inducing comes of this... so, here goes....
heh heh, people dying. Hilarious.
hmmm, no, not good.
Football. No, its all a bit quiet on that front, where's all the footie gone?
What the hell is wrong with me tonight?! I'll tell you what's done this.. Bloody exam invigilation. Its the most boring experience you'll ever have in your life. YOu thought that sitting exams is boring, try watching the boredom for two and a half fucking hours with no book to read, no bed to sleep on, no drugs to make you see purple sheep eating jelly babies while playing cluedo with Peter Rabbit.
No wonder most teachers are slightly psycho. They all wear tweed and bad glasses because they are absolutely bloody bonkers. AND ITS NOT THEIR FAULT. Its not. Its the job. Two and a half hours of silence and you can only stare at your shoe for so long before you start thinking about the tiniest minute detail of where you went wrong in life, and wouldn't it be great to kill yourself right now infront of a captive adience, and at the same time ruining their exam sucess chances AND traumatising them for life... double whammy. Perfect. Where else where you find jokes about klling kids funny?! I tell you, working in numerous schools and colleges, I don't need the drugs, I just need a couch and a good psychiatrist. Its a conspiracy I tell you, and it goes right the way up to the president.
Fuck, what the hell am I going on about? This is bollocks. I'm off to see if I have any raisins left for dinner. If I haven't died of starvation, see you next time.....
One more thing... I'm sorry this has been a poor badly written and unimaginative blog, hopefully those knots of tension will grow larger as the weekend progresses until they burst through my flabby back and the only cure is a few minutes of highly agitated ramblings from an unfunny useless wannabe.... thing.
Oh well...
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Its been a while...
I've been a bit busy recently what with one thing or another. Lots of things happening on the band front, but I'm not gonna bang on about that stuff here, I'll post on the band blog, liven it up a teensy bit!
Its all a bit strange at the moment. Today is the 2nd June, and as a few of you may know, the anniversary of my mums death. I really can't believe that its been six years. It seems like both a lifetime ago, and only just yesterday when it all happened.
It was just the biggest, strangest thing that ever happened in my life (that and meeting Ronald McDonald when I was five), and without doubt has shaped the way I live, the person I am, and the outlook I take on life. At the time I thought I was coping pretty well with it. Six years later, I think I can safely say that in that situation, people don't cope, I didn't cope, you get throughit anyway you can. Whether that's through drink, drugs, laughing, or, in my case, going a bit bonkers and losing your mind completely.... ah, those were the days.
Its a surreal experience. Everyone around you is in a state of numbness, and its in those times, the weirdness surfaces. When else do you decide to have YMCA played as the curtain draws on the coffin? When else does it seem a good idea to get absolutely blotted on very strong polish vodka? And a drama recital? purlease..... how pretentious?!
I didn't realise it at the time, but I probably went through some kind of breakdown, though I had very good friends around me to keep me grounded, and for that I am eternally grateful.
It all has a happy ending though. I think that, on reflection, any dream I had of becoming an actor died when my mum did, and the beginings of an exciting new career in shelf stacking and Rock God was born!