Drummer Stu's Padded Cell
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Paul Fucking Macartny.....
Now, I'm not one to complain dear reader, as you well know. Mild mannered, complimentary about the things I like, and a well rounded individual. Some might say I'm a decnt honest bloke, and fair play to them, I think they may well be right.
But when it gets to the point when once important rich fat rock stars disturb your afternoon nap, they have to be told. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU NOISY TWAT. TURN THAT RACKET DOWN....oh, and you're rubbish.
Really, He has hired out the place next door to us, the Millenium Dome...and yes, it IS next door to us. Granted there's a river between us, and its just as well, as I would've thrown a brick through the window or something by now... But it is next door.
For eight hours a day for the past two weeks I've had to put up with dodgy versions of once mediocre songs, made only slightly bearable by the fact that you can't make out what the fuck he is "singing" as he is so old he sings like he has parkinsons disease....
Now, I'm not someone who dislikes loud music, I have a Rock star drummer living in the block, and he's never caused me grief, but that fucking Macartney... don't get me started!
Lets get one thing straight. The Beatles were OK. Not bad, not astoundingly marvellous. Just OK. Like Beans on Toast or A pint of Fosters. Its OK, you would prefer a Carlsberg Export or a Stella, but in desperate times, A Fosters will do.
They are over rated, and, alright, you waiting for me to say i.... shit! We're so much better... But John Lennon was a genius... Get out! He was not, he exploited a market that wasn't being covered and made a packet out of it. You really think he was into that Peace shit while sitting in his mansion, you really think he gave a crap about the poor while counting his money mountain? LIke fuck was he. But fair play to him, he hoodwinked a whole generation and got away with it. Then got shot. Oh the irony!
Anyway, gotta go, Grand prix calls....
Monday, May 10, 2004
Its that time when we're bombarded by party political propaganda to brainwash and hoodwink us into believing that we the voters really do matter, that our opinion really does count for something.
In the current political climate, our vote may not reflect what we would ideally like, but not voting could hand power to those we wouldn't trust our grandparents with....
which is just about all the main political parties...
I am in conflict with myself over this. I believe passionately that our right to vote should be taken, and that anyone who waives that right has no right to then complain when things go wrong.
I grew up in a highly political household. My mother was a labour party activist and a councillor on Greenwich council during the late eighties and nineties. To me, politics was never boring, it was a way of life, and my understanding of it came as easily as riding a bike.
The problem is, I am sadly in the minority, and that much coveted group of 18-24 year olds that political parties which to charm seem largely disaffected by modern politics.
This is the reality, and yes its frustrating yet understandable too.
We have a two party system by and large, who's policies we are led to believe are so centre ground that many people do not see the difference. Yes, the main parties policies on the economy are similar, the once left wing labour party are now worryingly right of centre on home office and foreign policy, especially in the light of the asylum "Situation" that the right wing press have invented over the past couple of years.
But lets go beyond the headlines, how are the Labour party really different from the "compassionate conservatives?"
The labour party are STILL doing good things... The most notable of which was introducing the minimum wage. This is something that the conservative party would never have implemented in a million years. And no, the minimum wage is not nearly enough to survive on, but it is however a step in the right direction.
The parlimentary labour party are not perfect, I know that, and at times I blatantly disregard some of the things they propose, the decision to cut ties with trade unions, and their refusal to renationalise the railways were plain wrong. I dislike politicians and the way they operate, and I realise this is a contrary opinion to what the point of this is, but osmeone has to do the job, and at the end of the day, and average Labour government is STILL far more trust worthy than a Conservative party who are drifting more and more to the right with every passing week.
But the publics opinion counts, and latest polls suggest that The Conservatives are now ahead in the polls for the first time since the fuel protests back in 2001.
We cannot let this happen. Voter apathy is a very real problem, and, for once is not a lie being spun by the politicians. Less than 30% of us voted in the last council elections, and it is here, in local politics that your vote counts the most.
While the larger parties automatically presume people will vote for them, hence don't try as hard locally, smaller, nastier parties such as the BNP are gaining much ground.
They run hard campaigns in areas of poverty and prey on the gullible and stupid, and pick up votes from the disaffected, and they make sure their supporters get out and show their support in the booths.
Its dangerous. Extremely dangerous. And I know I have alienated most of you who read this for a bit of a laugh during your lunch or whatever, but don't be influenced by what you read in the press, gather information from other sources, make up your own mind, and actually get out there and start to believe in the political process.
YOu can make a difference, join a political party you believe in, stand for selction in your local constituency, its not as difficult as you might believe. Just don't give up in the democratic process.
Yes its a crap situation we have, but don't, for everyones sake vote for anything that sounds remotely right wing!!!!!!!!!!
But vote. Or shut the fuck up.
Friday, May 07, 2004
Oh fuck, the drummer is going to talk about politics, get out, next he's gonna write a song.
Sorry folks, but Its been praying on my mind this week, and I have to pass some kind of comment in a coherant way instead of after a few pints of Guinness and sounding like a wanker!
This week, there was a big hoo har dinner thing in honour of Margaret Thatcher. Twenty Five years ago she became Britains first woman Prime Minister.
"She was the best prime minister since Churchill" said one of her own.
"When it comes to the economy, we're all thatcherites" Said Peter Mandelson.
"She was a great leader" Tony Blair
Oh Stu, come come, that's a bit much....
Really? REALLY? People, especially those who have never had to scrape money together just to put food on the table like my parents and millions of other families, seem to forget that Thatcher cared for no one who had nothing but the shirt on their back. When I was growing up and living below the poverty line, my parents worked fucking hard to make ends meet. I had a disabled sister who was in and out of hospital all her life until she died, and did my parents recieve any kind of help from Thatcher and her government? Like fuck did they.
Let me recap on what Thatcher did to this country, and before you bemoan that I'm holding grudges that belong in the past, let me say that too fucking right I am, and that many of her policies have many repurcussions today.
She single handedly closed the mining industry. Many of todays young adults in those communities are now living in poverty, and have inherited horrendous social problems.
She legitimised Robert Mugabe. She turned him from a terrorist into a "legitimate" murdering dictator.
She introduced the Right To Buy scheme which depleted much of the local authority housing stock in this country, and in turn has created a serious shortage of council housing for the poor.
She had a blatant hatred for our railways, and as such underfunded them for years and years and years, and now we have one of the worst rail systems in Europe.
When people, usually with money, tell me things weren't so bad and that actually, she's not a bad person, it makes me want to take them by the throat and strangle the last breath out of them until they turn blue.
"there's no such thing as society" she famously said. Well when she's lying in a gutter, had her throat slit from one side to the other by selfish - sorry "enterprising" young men (or- fuck wit muggers to you and I), lets hope that her prophecy is right. Because I'll be stooping over her, laughing in her wretched ruined face while her eyes turn red, and the last thing she'll ever feel is the hatred of some one kicking her when she most needs help. Just as she did for all those years.
Happy Anniversary Thatcher.
Enjoy it while you can
Oh fuck, the drummer is going to talk about politics, get out, next he's gonna write a song.
Sorry folks, but Its been praying on my mind this week, and I have to pass some kind of comment in a coherant way instead of after a few pints of Guinness and sounding like a wanker!
This week, there was a big hoo har dinner thing in honour of Margaret Thatcher. Twenty Five years ago she became Britains first woman Prime Minister.
"She was the best prime minister since Churchill" said one of her own.
"When it comes to the economy, we're all thatcherites" Said Peter Mandelson.
"She was a great leader" Tony Blair
Monday, May 03, 2004
Hold on Just a cotton pickin' minute!
This week, I'm in good spirits, I'm restless and can't be bothered to write. Yep, ITS BANK HOLIDAY...and countdown is onafter some dodgy Raquel Welch film. See, its the little things!
Oh bugger, I turn over to se that my beloved Charlton are losing to Arsenal 2-0. Not to worry though, its womens footbal, so no one really cares! Why are all woman football players bints? Thats the problem with womens football... If they were good looking, I'd watch it more often. The fact that they are all man hating lesbians has nothing to do with it though.....
(don't hate me, I'm only human!)
Still, Wimbledon's not too far off!!!!
So where was I before I was sidetracked? Oh yes, Good week... I'm just going to list them actually, I have things to do!
1. Saw Barenaked Ladies in concert (very cool)
2. No students at work, so I have nothing to do (Oh yes)
3. Got paid (oh yes, oh yes!)
4. Got drunk...twice, maybe nine times...
5. spent my wages already
6. The gym has cancelled my membership and closed down.... GET IN!
7. Tracked down an old mate of mine and beat him to a pulp
8. didn't really beat him to a pulp....but will
9. Aren't the first eight good enough for you guys?
I'm bored of that now. Anything else? Oh yes, Claire cried at a film about elehants this morning. Made me laugh anyway!
See ya